Relevant interdisciplinary leaders or stakeholders

Present the PowerPoint you created in Topic 9 to a group of relevant interdisciplinary leaders or stakeholders at your practicum site.

After presenting your PowerPoint, write a 250-500-word reflection that includes the following:

Describe who was part of the audience for your presentation and their role related to the proposed project.
Describe two ways in which you communicated professionally during your presentation.
Discuss the feedback and questions received from the audience after your presentation. Identify any biases that might have affected your presentation of your project.
Describe how this interprofessional collaboration and experience will affect your professional practice in the future.

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Interprofessional Presentation Reflection: Improving Patient Outcomes Through Streamlined Communication


My PowerPoint presentation, titled “Improving Patient Outcomes Through Streamlined Communication,” was presented to a group of interdisciplinary leaders and stakeholders at my practicum site, [Practicum Site Name]. The audience included:

  • Dr. [Doctor’s Name], Attending Physician: Responsible for overseeing patient care and making final treatment decisions.
  • [Nurse Manager Name], Nurse Manager: Leads the nursing team, ensures quality care delivery, and coordinates patient care activities.

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  • [Social Worker Name], Social Worker: Provides psychosocial support to patients and families, identifies community resources, and facilitates communication between patients and healthcare providers.
  • [Physical Therapist Name], Physical Therapist: Develops and implements physical therapy plans to improve patient mobility and function.

These individuals represent key decision-makers and care providers who play crucial roles in improving patient outcomes at the practicum site. Their perspectives and feedback were invaluable in refining the communication strategies proposed in the presentation.

Professional Communication:

  • Clear and Concise Language: I avoided technical jargon and medical acronyms, focusing on plain language that could be understood by all audience members. I used visuals (charts, graphs) to represent data effectively and enhance comprehension.

  • Active Engagement: I incorporated audience participation through polls and open-ended questions. This allowed me to gauge understanding, identify potential concerns, and foster a collaborative atmosphere.

Feedback and Biases:

The presentation was well-received by the audience. Dr. [Doctor’s Name] commended the proposal for a centralized communication platform, acknowledging it could streamline physician-nurse communication and improve care coordination. [Nurse Manager Name] expressed concerns about potential technology adoption challenges, highlighting the need for user-friendly interfaces and adequate training.

Reflecting on potential biases, my own background in [Your Field] might have influenced the focus of the presentation. I may have unconsciously placed greater emphasis on communication strategies within that specific discipline. In the future, I will be more mindful of presenting a balanced perspective that considers the needs and workflows of all care providers.

Interprofessional Collaboration:

This experience highlighted the importance of interprofessional collaboration in improving patient care. By understanding the roles and perspectives of different healthcare professionals, I can develop communication strategies that cater to their specific needs and facilitate seamless information exchange.

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