Research Methods

Answer the following give examples

What is the benefits and limitations of survey research?
What is the different modes of data collection, and their strengths and limitations.
What is the difference between Self-Administered Surveys & Interview Surveys.
the different types of problem questions: define
Double Barreled Questions
Double Barreled Answer Choices
Leading Questions
Loaded Questions
Absolute Questions
Unclear Questions
What does it mean for response options to be exhaustive?
What does it mean for response options to be mutually exclusive?
some different techniques for question presentation. (Contingency Questions, Matrix Questions, etc..)

define with example
What is priming, and what does it have to do with question ordering?
What are some ways to test questionnaires for priming effects?
How can non-response be reduced?
What effects can an interviewer have on responses?
What is qualitative data? How is it different from quantitative data?
How do the methods for collecting qualitative data differ from the methods for collecting quantitative data?
How do the methods for analyzing qualitative data differ from the methods for analyzing quantitative data?
What are advantages that qualitative research has over quantitative research?
What are some disadvantages of qualitative research?

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