Sickle Cell Anemia

Conduct an onlin” rel=”nofollow”>ine in” rel=”nofollow”>investigation on research and resources related to the genetic condition you are assign.

Fin” rel=”nofollow”>ind and summarize at least four references, in” rel=”nofollow”>includin” rel=”nofollow”>ing articles, media pieces, or other resources for your condition. Use the followin” rel=”nofollow”>ing categories as your guide for possible aspects to consider:

¥ The science of epigenomics
¥ Revolutionary genetic tests and treatments
¥ Cultural and ethnic in” rel=”nofollow”>influences on genetic testin” rel=”nofollow”>ing
¥ Informed consent for genetic testin” rel=”nofollow”>ing

Write a brief summary and critique of each source. What are the main” rel=”nofollow”>in poin” rel=”nofollow”>ints of the source? Would you use it as part of your research? Why or why not?

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