Stories and formal elements of the Films

Stories and formal elements of the Films

The post has two asighnments

1: Compare and contrast the stories and formal elements of the films: Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock and A Man and A Woman (1966) by Claude Lelouch.

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1. 1: Compare and contrast the stories and formal elements of Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock and A Man and A Woman (1966) by Claude Lelouch. Argue why Rear
Window is a great example of the Classical Hollywood Style while A Man and A Woman is a great example of French New Wave. If you find that you clearly prefer one over
the other two, articulate your reasons (But understand that they are all considered classics of their time period and styles). What moments, scenes, or stylistic
choices do you like most, and why? Use examples from the films, their conventions (as Neorealist, as classical, as New Wave), readings, and/or class discussions to
back up your points.
2) choose following films: Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock and A Man and A Woman (1966) by Claude Lelouch.
2) Rear Window (1954) by Alfred Hitchcock is a example of the Classical Hollywood Style.
3) A Man and A Woman (1966) by Claude Lelouch is an example of French New Wave.
2) No sources or references are necessary for this paper.

2: How and why children may differ in their sensitivity and resilience to environmental influences

Order Description

How and why children may differ in their sensitivity and resilience to environmental influences.

Word count: 2500 (not including title page and references)

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