“The 400 Blows” by Francois Truffaut

Write a 4-6 page essay (Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 inch margins), you will use the film “The 4oo Blows” by Francois Truffaut for this assignment.
Reflect on the national and international forces influencing the development of film’s language and messages.
Discuss how your chosen film’s formal structural patterns, economics, material conditions, technical developments and/or meanings are situated within an international context – and whether or not the film’s ideology successfully or problematically reflects its internationality.
Questions to consider:
In what ways is the film an international project? How does it rely on other cinemas to generate meaning?
In what ways does the film present itself internationally and nationally?
How do you see that international/national character affecting its story, the structure of its plot, its mise-en-scène, settings, character, editing, camera work, sound)? What does it MEAN that the film is international, and in what ways does it still speak to its national character?
Does it successfully negotiate an international ideology?



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