The performance evaluation process.

An important part of being an effective manager is the performance evaluation process. Read Time to Scrap Performance Appraisals?, which explains some of the problems with the performance evaluation process and offers some suggestions on how to make this process more meaningful and effective. After reading the article, think about your last performance evaluation (or a school-related evaluation). In your initial post, describe this evaluation. How did you feel walking out of that meeting with your manager or professor? Was it meaningful and effective? Did you have a clear understanding of your performance? Did you understand your goals and objectives?
Next, consider the “new keys to success” discussed in the article. Address the following additional questions in your initial post: Could your evaluation have been made clearer to you? Which “keys to success” would have assisted in your situation? Why?

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Sample Answer

I understand that performance evaluation is an important part of being an effective manager. I recently read the article “Time to Scrap Performance Appraisals?” and I found it to be very insightful. The article discusses some of the problems with the traditional performance evaluation process and offers some suggestions on how to make this process more meaningful and effective.

I think the most important problem with the traditional performance evaluation process is that it is often seen as a formality rather than a meaningful way to improve employee performance. The evaluation is often done once a year, and it is based on a checklist of criteria that may not be relevant to the employee’s job. As a result, the employee may not see the evaluation as helpful or meaningful.

Full Answer Section

The article also discusses the “new keys to success” for performance evaluations. These keys include:

  • Focus on the future: The evaluation should focus on the employee’s goals and objectives for the future, rather than on their past performance.
  • Be specific: The evaluation should be specific and provide the employee with specific feedback on their performance.
  • Be constructive: The evaluation should be constructive and focus on helping the employee improve their performance.
  • Be timely: The evaluation should be done on a regular basis, so that the employee can receive feedback throughout the year.
  • Be collaborative: The evaluation should be a collaborative process between the employee and their manager.

I think these “new keys to success” are very important for making performance evaluations more meaningful and effective. I believe that if my last performance evaluation had been more focused on the future, specific, constructive, timely, and collaborative, I would have found it to be more helpful.

Specifically, I think it would have been helpful if my manager had provided me with more specific feedback on my performance. For example, they could have told me what I was doing well and what I could improve on. They could also have given me specific examples of my work that they were happy with or that they thought needed improvement.

I also think it would have been helpful if my manager had been more constructive in their feedback. Instead of just telling me what I was doing wrong, they could have offered suggestions on how I could improve my performance. For example, they could have told me what skills I needed to develop or what resources I could use to improve my work.

Finally, I think it would have been helpful if my manager had been more timely in their feedback. I think it is important to receive feedback throughout the year, so that I can make improvements as needed.

Overall, I think the “new keys to success” for performance evaluations are very important. I believe that if these keys are followed, performance evaluations can be a meaningful and effective way to improve employee performance.

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