The position of ethical egoism.

Explain the position of ethical egoism. Do you think this is the correct moral position for a person to take? Explain why or why not. Make sure to discuss at least two of the objections raised in the chapter against ethical egoism, and explain why they either succeed or fail in refuting ethical egoism.

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Ethical egoism is a moral theory that holds that the only thing that is morally good is to act in one’s own self-interest. It is often contrasted with altruism, which is the moral theory that holds that we have a moral obligation to help others.

Ethical egoism can be divided into two main types: psychological egoism and normative egoism. Psychological egoism is the view that all people are always motivated by self-interest. Normative egoism is the view that we should always act in our own self-interest, even if it means harming others.

There are several objections that have been raised against ethical egoism. One objection is that it is not possible to always act in one’s own self-interest. Sometimes, we may have to sacrifice our own interests in order to help others. For example, we may have to give up our seat on a bus to an elderly person, even though it means that we will be late for work.

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Another objection to ethical egoism is that it is not fair. If everyone acted in their own self-interest, the world would be a very selfish and competitive place. There would be no cooperation or altruism, and everyone would be out for themselves.

Finally, some people argue that ethical egoism is ultimately self-defeating. If everyone acted in their own self-interest, the world would be a very chaotic and unstable place. This would ultimately make it more difficult for people to achieve their own self-interest.

Despite these objections, there are also some arguments in favor of ethical egoism. One argument is that it is the only moral theory that is consistent with human nature. Humans are naturally selfish creatures, and it is unrealistic to expect them to always act in the interests of others.

Another argument in favor of ethical egoism is that it is the most efficient way to promote human well-being. If everyone acted in their own self-interest, the world would be a more prosperous and productive place. This would ultimately benefit everyone, including those who are altruistic.

Ultimately, whether or not ethical egoism is the correct moral position is a matter of opinion. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the issue.

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