Uniting Theory and Practice

A fundamental learning objective of PSY 263 is for you to develop an understanding of how to apply theories from the field of psychology to teaching and learning. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to critically examine a classroom issue using the action research methodology.Action Research is typically used as a tool for in-service teachers to understand and respond to classroom situations. It generally evolves from the struggle of an educator with a specific issue in the classroom, butsince you are all students you have experienced classroom issues and can use those experiences for this project.
• Identify an educational problem you have experienced as a student or observed in a classroom. Fully define and explain the problem and your experience with it. You may also identify an issue that is being experienced by a student you know personally.
 Possible topic ideas should stem from a personal experience.
For example, if you recall feeling anxious when exposed to timed multiplication tests in 3rd grade you could research the soundness of this approach and search and support possible alternatives. Some additional ideas can be found on page 2 of this document.

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