Writing a formal report

Writing a formal report is the important, final step of completing a major project. The report needs to follow the Technology Report Guideline of Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT, 2017). The purpose of the Technology Report is to demonstrate the candidate’s technical problem solving abilities; specifically, students must demonstrate their abilities to:
• Identify and define a technical problem
• Describe the problem accurately and in detail
• Logically apply a technical methodology to attempt to solve the problem
• Describe the results through the use of technology fundamentals, designs, data analysis and other appropriate techniques
• Draw conclusions about the results
• Make recommendations, if applicable
The final report must demonstrate a level of engineering technology or applied science knowledge and application equal to that required of an Engineering Technologist. The candidate must also demonstrate the ability to present information and ideas in an integrated, cohesive document.
The Technology Report will be evaluated in three areas:
A. Report Structure
B. Content Quality
C. Format

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